A unique technique

TalksUp_oreille-electronique-tomatisThe teaching tool of the Tomatis® Method is a device called Electronic Ear. The Electronic Ear gives the muscles of the middle ear their full capacity of operation in order to remove the mechanisms of inhibition that the brain has triggered. In addition, the Electronic Ear allows the brain to capture the attention of the sound message. Gradually, he learns or re-learns to listen. Literally, it is said that the ear « listens ».

An electronic device capable of creating an alternation between two perceptual conditions of the same sound message.

Concretely and in a very simplified way, the Electronic Ear makes it possible to activate the stapedial reflex. This reflex causes contraction of the auditory muscles. It is activated by the sudden passage of low frequencies, which does not require any effort of accommodation to high frequencies which requires the ear to make an important accommodation effort. Indeed, this back and forth between the tension and the relaxation of the muscles of the ear is made possible by an electronic flip-flop which is a device capable of creating an alternation between two perceptual conditions of the same sound message. This activity can be compared to gymnastics, which thanks to repeated use and progressive mobilization of the ear, optimizes the transmission of the message to the brain.